The Fake Cum Blog
Well, what were we supposed to call it?
The Mini and Pro Fake Cum Shot Devices are Back!
As many of you will know, the Mini and Pro fake cum shot devices have been unavailable for nearly a year now - since supply chains broke down due to Covid. But we finally have good news for 2022. They're back - new and improved! 1.) We've found a way to...
Dew Serum – Penis Moisturizer
We're happy to announce a partnership with the brand new Dew Serum for Men. What is it? It's the premium moisturizer for your penis, perfect for adult film stars and those whose manhood would benefit from some pampering. It's made with six premium oils: coconut,...
Black Squirting Dildo – It’s Arrived
Monster Squirt Dildo - Now Available in Black A few of you have asked over the years if we could get the Monster Squirt ejaculating dildo in black. We couldn't. But we recently heard it was now available in black, so we ordered a bunch. We're pleased to...
Backorders Due to Covid
Well, we were doing pretty well to start with, but as with many businesses, Covid has finally had its way with us. Little by little, we find ourselves unable to get the various parts we need. As a result we are slowly sinking, one squirt at a time. For the squirting...
Best Squirting Dildo with Realistic Cum Included
The best realistic squirting dildo on the market, now with new improved stage-cum. If you've tried squirting / ejaculating cock dildos before, then you'll know that most of them are underwhelming. Many simply don't work at all. Most squirting cocks don't really...
How Can I Fake Orgasm When Camming?
As if personal sex cams were not already on the rise, the COVID-19 pandemic now has even more boys and girls trying out camming for the first time as they attempt to eek out a living. One of the questions that gets asked a lot by gay and straight guy cam models is how...
New Starter Bondage Kit Launched
With Covid-19 keeping everyone at home, we've decided to launch a second new adult toy to keep you from divorce during these cooped-up times. Last week, we launched our new vibrating rotating dildo. Today, we're launching our new Starter Bondage Kit because frankly...
New Vibrating Cock / Dildo Launched
We were going to call it the COVID-19 dildo cuz it's sick, but that would have been weird. So for now now it's just a vibrating, rotating dildo. We decided to add it to the mix because the Monster Squirting cock dildo was such a huge hit and has become our best...
Save Money on Fake Cum
Did you know that our large 8oz bottle of fake cum is more than twice the size of the 3.3oz small bottle? That means you can use it to refill the small bottle twice. If you use the Mini, the Monster Squirt or the Quick Fire this will save you significant...
Black Friday Dildo Sale – Monster Squirt
The World's Most Powerful Squirting Dildo on Sale!We sell squirting dildos for one reason only. You guys suggested it. And they've become one of our best selling products... Who knew? Evidently, you did, so what else do you want to see? Reply to let us...
Why Use Fake Cum in Porn Shoots?
In truth, there are many good reasons for using synthetic semen. Perhaps most importantly, fake cum doesn't contain HIV or any other viruses. So getting stage jizz in your mouth, butt or vagina isn't life threatening. Artificial semen is also the just right color to...
Upgrade: Extra Cum for the Monster Squirt Dildo
Our new Monster Squirting dildo is from another world. In fact, it squirts such massive loads that we've decided to double the amount that's included. So now, instead of 3.3 oz, you'll receive 6.6 oz. That should fix any short comings, plus double the fun!...
New Launch: The World’s Most Powerful Squirting Dildo
It’s finally arrived! The squirting cock dildo that's a game changer. We’re calling it the “Monster Squirt” and there’s no other ejaculating dick that performs quite like it. At 9” long and with a circumference of 5.5 inches, it’s a real handful. And it squirts fake...
Best Ejaculating Dildo Just Got Better!
We launched our first squirting dildo just a few months ago and haven't looked back. The KFC ("Kum Filled Cock"), outperformed the other ejaculating cocks on the market, but there were a couple of things we wanted to improve. Now we have an even better dildo, and an...
Best Squirting Dildo Cock
The best squirting cock dildo is undoubtedly the Monster Squirt. But if you already have a squirting cock with an external line then there's a simple upgrade you could try that might be cheaper then buying a new one. Our Quick Fire fake cum shot device launched a...
Synthetic Semen: Our Newest Kum Formula
All of the “cum lubes” on the market are just white-colored regular lubricants. They don’t really look like cum. See our recent cum lube review here. How to Make Fake Cum? Well, it's not easy. One of the biggest issues in creating a good synthetic semen is getting the...
Cum Shot Malfunctions – Common Problems
Occasionally, we get emails from users who are having trouble operating their fake cum shot device. Sometimes, the device is DOA, but usually, it’s a case of user error - or failure to read the instructions. Here are a couple of the most common problems, along with...
Best Cum Lubes 2021: Review of Personal Lubricants & Fake Cum
Best Cum Lubes For Squirting Dildos - Or Plain Adult Fun! There are lot of personal lubricants out there these days. Probably too many. For our purposes, it will be most interesting to review those that are described as "cum lubes" meaning they are supposed to...
Best Squirting Dildos 2020
How Squirting Cocks & Ejaculating Dildos Work - A Review Squirting / ejaculating dick dildos cum with 4 main types of delivery system. This blog will review the available dildo styles, as well as a couple of real life, specific brand examples. We tested one of...
New Release: Ejaculating Dick Dildo Launched
Recently, we launched the new Quick Fire device. Apart from being a great fake cum shooting device, it can also be used as an upgrade kit for syringe-style squirting cock dildos. With that in mind, we decided to release a Magic Money Shot squirting dildo of our own!...