Send us a clip of your Magic Money Shot in action, and get a FREE serpent and Bukake bucket of Spunk if we use it! ($103 value.)
You can send in as many fake cum clips as you like, and the offer is valid for every clip we use.
To qualify:
Clip should be high quality
Between about 15 and 30 seconds long
Internet friendly uploadable format
Look completely natural and undetectable
You grant us the right to use the clip
Your privacy is assured. Businesses: We absolutely will not disclose your company details. Nobody will ever know your secret! (On the other hand, if you want the advertising, you may identify your company on the video with a logo etc.)
Email clip to – or let us know how we can download the file.
To see an example of a useable clip, see this video.
Submissions must come from verifiable prior clients. Editor will decide if a clip is suitable for use. Editors decision on whether or not to use a particular clip is final.